How to Make My Child Excited About School – Advice from A Navarre Preschool
The importance of a good education cannot be overstated. A firm foundation for understanding the world had to be pieced together in each of our minds before we could assume the role of the well-rounded individual. This process of education is vitally important for everyone and continues for the rest of our lives.
Read on and we’ll explore some strategies for how best to nurture your child’s enthusiasm about school!
Your Child’s Opinion About School
Early education while surrounded by children of our own age is a fantastic introduction to the skills needed to navigate the world as an adult. However, not all children want to go to school. Through the eyes of a child, it can be a terrifying prospect to be left in a strange place governed by unfamiliar rules and people.
A soft and cunning touch is necessary to shape your child’s internal vision of this new and daunting experience. Their understanding and opinion of their school must be a positive one. Without positive feelings towards attending, they will struggle to make the most of the experience, potentially stunting their growth and causing significant distress.
Never talk about school in a negative light. We’ve all heard parents and peers speak in an offhand manner that suggests that everyone hates school, and to despise going there is normal and understandable. Children are like sponges and will latch onto the overheard opinions of others, so don’t let them hear you say a single bad word about being enrolled in school!
Education Options
There are a great many different philosophies about how best to educate a child. Some schools adhere to a governmental syllabus, while others prefer a more holistic approach. The most important thing is to foster positivity in your child’s mind, no matter where they go to school.
Talk excitedly about school and how proud you are that they’re grown up enough to venture out into the world without you. Mention how much you loved school yourself, and how much fun it is to learn new things and make new friends. Ask your child every evening after school what they learned and take a real interest in whatever they have to say.
Before long, they will associate school with all kinds of positive experiences and growth. You won’t have to push them to go; they’ll want to go themselves! Planting the seeds of positive growth is one thing but giving them the tools to nurture it themselves is the real key.
Positivity Is Key
An enthusiastic child is a delight to behold. If you succeed, their views about school will be set in stone in a positive light. Once this mindset has been achieved, they will always view education as worthwhile and enjoyable.
It’s not always straightforward. If you’re struggling with coaxing enthusiasm into your child, try your best to be understanding and have a conversation with them about their concerns. Sometimes feeling heard is half the battle!
If you are searching for the right preschool or VPK, contact us today!