Our Preschool & VPK Classrooms
Now Enrolling for Our
VPK Program
- We have spots open at all of our locations
- Our VPK classes are 3 hours per day (paid for by ELC)
- We offer wrap-around care for those parents who need childcare for the remainder of the day.
This classroom setting fosters independence, cooperation, and communication skills. The hands on learning method used in these classrooms readies them for pre-reading, writing, math and comprehensive skills.
Voluntary Prekindergarten
Florida offers free VPK to all 4-year-olds. To be eligible, children must reside in Florida and be 4 years old on or before Sept. 1st of the current school year.
The VPK program helps prepare children for kindergarten and build the foundation for their educational success. The VPK program will help ensure that all children are intellectually, emotionally, physically, and socially ready to begin the rest of their school life.
You can learn more about the VPK program and apply for a voucher from the Early Learning Coalition of the Emerald Coast.

Contact Us Today!
The First Day
It is perfectly normal for young children to have some doubts about being away from their parents. Like adults, children need time to adjust to a new environment.
You should communicate openly with your child in advance about the new people that they will get to know and the new things that he/she will be doing. For “first-timers”, it is normal for your child to be hesitant and/or become upset about being separated from you. It is important that you leave them with a good-bye hug and kiss in reassurance that you will come back for them later in the day.
Our loving staff will continue to comfort them until they feel secure and are willing to play on their own. Feel free to call the school at any time to check-in.
Remember that we are here to help you work through any transitional situations that arise.
Quick First Day Checklist
- Blanket
- Change of clothes
- Packed lunch
- If applicable – diapers and wipes
- If applicable – formula