What Is Logical-Mathematical Intelligence?
Did you know about Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences? This theory explains the different types of intelligence and how individuals learn. While forty to eighty percent of intelligence is decided by genetics, environment, and education also play a critical role.
Logical-mathematical intelligence is something people are born having. However, with the right logical-mathematical activities, it can be developed and improved.
This intelligence is crucial for analyzing information and problem-solving. Developing it sets your child up for success. Read along to learn more about this intelligence!
What Is Logical-Mathematical Intelligence?
Howard Gardner identifies eight different types of intelligence in his book “Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences.” Logical-mathematical intelligence is one of the eight.
This intelligence deals heavily with numbers, patterns, and reasoning. These learners believe that logic leads to every answer.
They have computer-like minds and a penchant for mental math. This intelligence is one of the two main areas that are measured in IQ tests.
Signs of Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
Children who have developed their logical-mathematical intelligence are critical thinkers. They have heightened problem-solving abilities.
These learners come to conclusions due to their ability to analyze patterns. They use the variables around them to create innovative solutions to problems.
Their thoughts are usually abstract and without imagery. They enjoy conducting scientific experiments and organizing objects by characteristics.
A few other logical-mathematical characteristics are…
- Willing and able to try to debate their arguments.
- Enjoy working with abstract concepts.
- Love learning analogies.
- Learn best by logical sequencing or reasoning.
How to Develop This Intelligence
Many factors decide how we learn best. Some brains are “wired” differently, more apt to one or more intelligence.
It is important to choose a childcare facility that is familiar with and can assist with development of all intelligences.
However, some practices and activities can develop this intelligence further. The following logical-mathematical activities help to improve this function.
Childcare for Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
Children that show an affinity for this intelligence can develop it further with strategy games and puzzles. Numerical games that involve problem-solving logic help develop their mental calculator.
To assist in their learning style, your childcare facility should give them helpful tools, such as graphs and charts. Outlines will also help them to understand the bigger picture.
The childcare facility should play and teach memory games with your child to strengthen their pattern recognition. Science experiments will also teach your child scientific methods to come to conclusions.
Even something as simple as playing with Legos can build this intelligence. They tap into you child’s creativity and organizational patterns.
Visiting science centers and aquariums are exciting ways to research and learn. They offer hands-on activities for children as well.
Keep Up the Good Work
While some are born with a higher logical-mathematical intelligence, it can be developed with time and practice. It’s even better to start at a young age.
Grow With Us Learning Academy offers programs and curriculums that educate little ones on the eight types of intelligence. Look at our programs here and register today!