
Is Baby Talk a Good Thing for Your Child’s Development?

August 24, 2020

Let’s face it, parenting isn’t easy. From debunking the most common parenting myths to navigating thousands of “firsts,” you need to constantly stay on your toes.

One question that’s a hot topic of debate is whether baby talk is good or bad for children. While every parent needs to make their own decisions, there are some professional schools of thought.

Here’s what you need to know about baby talk and recommendations for how to talk to babies.

Benefits of Baby Talk

You may have heard that repeating the “goo goo, ga ga” of a baby talking is a bad idea. Some say talking baby talk will slow a child’s language development. However, science shows that it’s actually good for babies.

It’s the intonation, rhythm, and use of emotion that makes baby talk so attractive to little ones. It uses a high pitch and up-and-down patterns, both of which attract an infant’s attention.

It also uses hyper-articulated consonants and vowels. These exaggerations help babies to distinguish speech sounds. This can eventually lead them to acquire a larger vocabulary. By the time a baby is ready for a preschool curriculum, they’ll be at an advantage.

How to Talk to Babies

If you’re wondering how to talk to a baby, you’ll be glad to know that it’s super easy!

Some of the first “baby talk” phrases you’ll likely hear from your little one are “mama” and “dada.” Once they figure out how to do it, babies love to communicate with others, and one of the best things you can do is communicate right back.

How do you do that? Smile, talk, sing, and even read to your baby. Every time you do, you’re helping them develop early speech and language skills. This is associated with future success in writing, reading, and developing interpersonal skills, both in childhood and later on in life.

One of the most important things you can do is pay attention every time your baby talks. When they’re gurgling, cooing, or making other noises, make eye contact and smile. Avoid looking away, talking to other people, or interrupting. Remain patient and make a real effort to interpret what your baby is trying to communicate to you.

It’s also a great idea to talk to your baby by imitating them whenever you can. Even if the words make no sense, you’re showing your baby that what they’re feeling and trying to communicate is important to you.

The Next Step

Learning how to talk to babies is one of the first major steps in supporting your child’s development. You may not realize it now, but your little one will be ready for preschool before you now it.

At Grow with Us Learning Academy, we care about supporting your child on his or her growth journey. Our reassuring, creative, and positive learning environment is ideal for helping young children grow and learn.

We believe in providing hands-on experiences and helping each child grow at his or her own pace. Contact us today to learn more.