Four Hand Washing Tips to Follow with Kids
Over the past few years, households have relearned the importance of washing their hands. Those 20 seconds have been re-taught to adults in a multitude of ways in the media. Adults have increased their constant hand washing more than ever before.
Adults aren’t the only ones that need to be taught how to wash their hands though. Children, especially those who are still learning their fine motor skills, are being taught how important it is to take that hand washing time.
When it comes to hand washing for kids, the proper hand washing procedure can be a confusing process. If you have a little one, these four tips may help you to show your child the importance of keeping their hands clean. Develop your own hand washing guide for kids and help them to remember how to do it properly.
Songs Are Simple
Most children enjoy the benefits of silly songs or doing activities to music. If your little one is like this, then there are simple songs that can be turned into the soundtrack for washing their hands.
The most popular hand washing song for kids is Happy Birthday. Sing Happy Birthday along with your little one to remind them how long they should be washing their hands. This turns the task into a fun game you can play.
Pepper Can Be Fun
One great way to teach children how to wash their hands is to create some fun hand washing games. Pepper is one way to show little ones just how many germs can be on unwashed hands. This will help them to understand why they’re washing with soap and water.
Fill a bowl with pepper and water. Then, have them add drops of soap to break up the pepper and make clean water patches inside of the bowl. This will show them that germs are everywhere and it’s important to make sure their hands are clean of them.
Tell a Story
It’s no secret that children are easily captivated by stories. By coming up with a story about why we wash our hands, your child will see the importance of being sure to clean between their fingers several times per day. Develop a narrative that you can remind your little one of every time they go to turn on the water.
These types of things help with many areas in teaching your little ones. Just like when it comes to brushing their teeth!.
Soap Can Make a Difference
Do you have a little one who loves certain animals or objects? Try finding a soap dispenser that reflects their favorite things. This will make your child excited to rush to the sink to wash their hands and see their favorite for a moment.
Hand Washing for Kids Can Be Difficult
Your child is learning how to develop their own skills and be independent. Hand washing for kids can be a difficult lesson for them to learn. Teach your kids in a way that best caters to their personalities and their needs.
Fun hand washing games can make a big difference. Find the learning experience that best fits your child and provides them with the opportunity to make hand washing a fun experience.
Looking for a great place that will teach your children all of these helpful everyday activities? You can contact us for more information regarding our programs.